Visitors like to using your menu bar. There are many kinds of menu bar to decorate your blog. But I am writing for drop down menu bar with hover effect
One of the essential elements of web site designing, blog designing is Menu bar. Without menu bar design can not be complete. Visitors also like to go to your other page by using your menu bar. There are many kinds of menu bar to decorate your blog. But I am writing for drop down menu bar with hover effect. That will look like this.
To create drop down menu you have to customize your blog templates. Edit Templates and find out ]]></b:skin>. If you already get this code then placed the bellow codes just before ]]></b:skin>.
i. Replace another code with #060505 to change background color
ii. Replace another code with #FFF to change font color
iii. Replace another size with 12px to change font size.
iv. Replace another color code with #BF0100 to change Mouse over color on Tab
v. Replace another color code with #BF0100 to change the color of Drop Down menu.
vi. Replace another color code with #060505 to change the drop down menu color on mouse hover.
Save the templates. Go to Layout Tab and Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget after header. Now Copy Paste the following code to HTML/JavaScript’s box and save it.
Learn how to add jQuery tooltip to blogspot
i. Replace your URL with #.
ii. Change your tab name.